28 June 2024

Woe. Who were those 2 elderly folks - one a congenital liar and the other a doddering elderly grandpa?

Mr. Market wants Trump for tax cuts, less regulation and a couple of more Supremes to guarantee the return of the Robber Barons. Dems just want someone who can win and not be a hindrance to the down ballot races.

As you know from reading me over the years, I am a bleeding-heart liberal. But even I have to admit that Uncle Joe turned into confused Grandpa Joe the other night. Politicians have huge egos. (They need them to withstand the almost or maybe more 50% of the people who hate them.) But sometimes one would hope that a few or even one in a position of power would consider that the good of the country comes first.

The Biden screed that he is the only one to beat Trump was disproved the other night. Reminds of the excuse companies for paying chief executives millions because he/she is the only one who can lead the country. Then the CEO dies or is fired and the board of directors pay the new untried CEO even more money.

If Joe were to resign and the Dems win/or lose in November he would have his place cemented in history as a man who placed the country's welfare above his ego. If he loses? Trump already has his place in history as the biggest liar. We don't need him to do more damage.

If Uncle Joe is as sharp as insiders say, he should have a press conference every week until the election. Showing he can handle question in a free for all atmosphere will allow him to recover. if he isn't able to handle that milieu or isn't willing to have press conferences he should resign.

I am an 80 years lifelong Democrat and will vote for whomever is the Dem nominee. If he can't handle press conferences he should retire and let Kamala become President. Then The Convention should throw the floor open. The publicity about the wide-open race would consume all the news for the next two months. Just Saying!

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